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Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Cleaning the Makeup Brushes in 7 Easy Steps

Makeup brushes are some of the most used cosmetic items in the entire collection for people especially women of all ages. These special purpose brushes are found in all sizes and are most commonly used to apply various makeup items on the face. The significance of these custom-made brushes equals that of the makeup items that must be applied using them.

They are available in the finest tip options for precise applications and also the thick or wide tip options for things that don’t require much accuracy. Makeup brushes are available in different price ranges as well. However, it is best not to choose the very cheap ones as they can be made from cheap not so durable materials and can break quickly and also the hair can come out from the base materials only after a few times of use.

What Are They Made Of?

The base of the makeup brushes can be manufactured from a variety of materials including plastic, wood, metal or composite materials. The base is responsible for holding the brush hair in place and provides a sturdy, durable holding grip for the user. This is why it must be made from strong materials that last for long periods of time.

The hair part of the makeup brushes is often derived from animal hair including squirrel, mink, horse, and sable or even goat hair. The hardest part of the animal hair, often the base part are used in makeup brushes and it usually collects impurities of all kinds including skin oil, bacteria, dust or pollution from the air. Although some people do clean their makeup brushes often enough you will be surprised to find out how many just don’t clean them at all. This boosts the chances of skin infections through the bacteria collected in the hair part of the brushes. Here is a quality way of cleaning your makeup brushes:

Cleaning the Makeup Brushes in 7 Easy Steps:

  1. Separate the dirty brushes from the clean or new ones at an accessible area near you and start the process.
  2. Use lukewarm water to dampen the brushes slightly.
  3. Choose a good quality-cleaning product, a mild shampoo works great or for the added smooth finish of the brush, hair uses the Dove's hand wash. The additional anti-bacterial properties of a hand wash help with this one as well and leave the brushes completely free of infectious bacteria.
  4. Mix an appropriate amount of the cleaning product into a wide container of water and start swirling the brush around the palm of your hand while occasionally dipping it into the water solution to get a good amount of leather into it and also properly saturated.
  5. Keep squeezing out the excess moisture along with all the leather and foundation or other makeup products that have been absorbed into the brush hair. Make sure the squeezed dirty liquid gets wasted instantly.
  6. Repeal the process for a few times to remove all the stubborn dirt as well on each of the brushes.
  7. Keep cleaning all your brushes in the same fashion often enough so that they don’t get dirty with all the unwanted materials and leave your skin free from infections.

Good quality makeup brands always offer their products very well packaged in custom boxes that have separate compartments for the different parts of their products including the brushes and various powders as well. For such makeup brands, Make up Boxes by The Custom Boxes Company provide a solid, customizable option.

Brands can choose the exact custom box design and materials that suit their specific product nature perfectly and will also boost their sales in the process through the proper printing of their brand names and logos and very attractive printing designs overall.

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